There are many ways these terms can be applied in education, and last night's Twitter discussion was evidence of all the ways this is true. My first contribution was to share something I heard a student say that day. She had been talking about "cab maths" (cabbage). It rolled off her tongue and her friend knew exactly what she was talking about. I have heard this term - and those similar - in other schools, so I realise it is not unique to mine. My question last night was "Where did this terrible label come from? Fixed mindset teachers/systems?" Are we perpetuating fixed mindsets through the systems we adhere to in schools and our own fixed beliefs about the students in front of us?
When we stream classes, someone has to end up at the "bottom". How do we remove the ceiling that is imposed by the next class up? How about we let the students know that they can get in the elevator and bypass those floors - that the level they find themselves in is only a starting point and which floor they end up on is only limited by the buttons they choose to push?

This year there are already lots of challenging and exciting opportunities before me that will help me grow as a professional. My job in the coming weeks is to discover what challenges and opportunities each of my students needs to help him or her grow.