Saturday, 5 January 2013

Speaking of Bloom

I love my smartphone but I don't really want to use it for school work as it is currently my last bastion of sanctuary. However, that doesn't stop me from checking out all the education apps for android, and some kind souls have even created lovely visuals using Bloom's Taxonomy.

A few years ago, I came across Andrew Churches' Educational Origami, and it remains one of the most comprehensive that I have seen. It's a great place to visit if you are curious about a Bloom's Digital Taxonomy approach.

Kathy Shrock's Bloomin' Apps could be a particularly useful page if you teach in a BYOD school. She has merged visuals, Bloom's and helpful links to a wide range of apps for both Android and iOS, as well as Google and other web 2.0 tools.

Perhaps a goal for me this year could be to create my own digital Bloom's chart, and I can only fill in a spot when I have used an app or tool with a class. 

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